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Chalet Tech is a company with passion and a mission to offer the best Database Security solutions. Our team come from diversified backgrounds but share a dream to make differences in information security. Chalet Technology is committed to technology innovation, quality services, and customer satisfaction. It is our goal to provide customers “peace of mind” in protecting their valuable information and privacy with cost-effective solutions.
For the past twenty years, we have been entrusted by our clients worldwide, from the up-start brands to the most recognized beauty companies, to provide packaging solutions that deliver beauty and function. This trust is what fuels our focus and commitment to supply superior packaging that accentuates your product and promotes brand recognition. With our network of global RD, manufacturing, sourcing and logistics capabilities, we are able to offer a wide range of packaging solutions for treatment, color cosmetics, fragrance and ancillary products, tailored to meet any design and cost objectives.
本公司為新加坡立時集團(Nippon Paint Southeast Asia)因業務發展需要,在台投資成立之分公司。立邦漆優質產品橫跨汽車,工業,建築,船舶,零售和DIY市場,整個集團製造廠及銷售網路已遍及亞洲、歐洲以及美洲十幾個國家及地區。在近幾年的全球塗料廠家排名統計中顯示,我們的產品『立邦漆』產量及銷量在亞太地區穩居首位,在全球位居前茅。 招聘具經驗及喜歡團隊的工作人員, 及在消費品行業或塗料行業具有相當的銷售與管理經驗。 同時對台灣市場發展有興趣及企圖心。 職缺的工作地點在台灣,我們提供具競爭性的報酬、寬廣的發展空間及在職訓練。 希望對工作有熱忱、理想者來加入我們的團隊 ! Established as the largest paint manufacturer in Asia and a leading name in paint worldwide, Nippon Paint produces quality paints and coatings for the automotive, industrial, architectural, marine, retail and DIY market sectors. Nippon Paint hosts one of the widest geographical spreads in the paint business with a global network of over 20 countries. We lead and develop innovative and technologically advanced paint products that will enhance beauty and protect our surroundings.
2017年SEO主要趨勢,奇寶網路搶先告訴你! 每年到了年底這個時候,很多SEO網路行銷團隊或主題性部落格經營者都會很好奇-「到底明年度2017的SEO操作重點是什麼?」 而且今年實在是一個起伏很大、心驚膽跳的一年,許多的變動與更新都發生在今年度,而Google的Gary Illyes針對2017年度的SEO操作,提出了三個重點。所以在考慮選擇外部聘請SEO專業廠商或者建立自己的搜尋引擎優化團隊時,務必將以下概念納入SEO網路行銷 策略中。 機械學習運算(Machine learning) 談到Google搜尋引擎的Machine learning,我們必須回顧2015年10月首次向世人露面的RankBrain演算法,並從中尋找脈絡。 RankBrain的機器學習演算機制,是透過先前上百億搜尋關鍵字所累積的Big Data,包含什麼樣的用戶在搜尋、點擊哪些搜尋結果、地理位置等相關資料,模擬人類的學習與判讀網站的內容和搜尋方式,進而提供更接近用戶期許看到的搜尋結果。這意味著,搜尋引擎將更瞭解使用者的語意搜尋,以及相匹配的網站內容! 那面對Google的Machine learning,我們該如何擬訂優化策略呢? "Create quality content using natural language that sounds conversational." 從核心目標字詞,發想具黏著度的相關性主題文章 網站內容與標題描述需要更加的人性化與高判讀性 明確的回答目標受眾想了解的問題 所以未來SEO操作並非單純置入關鍵字,僅為了產生內容而忽略了使用者體驗,應該花更多心思來分析判斷客戶在搜尋時的情境,以及他們到底真正會搜尋什麼?這也是我們不斷鼓勵大家投入內容行銷的原因,定期發表與產品或服務有關的文章,不論是教學、使用情境、客戶案例等,裡面的用詞一定都會較口語話,比起官網制式的介紹而來的更貼近客戶的需求並創造自己的品牌力! 行動加速網頁 AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages) AMP是一種根據開放原始碼規格所設計的網頁。這種網頁經過驗證後,即可在 Google 的 AMP 快取中儲存快取資料,藉此更快速提供內容。它是Google 在 2015 年 10 月推出的一個開源計畫,希望能夠提升網頁在行動裝置上的載入速度。 兩個重點,使用者體驗的提升以及行動搜尋的普及。 我們必須思考,什麼樣類型的資訊適合使用AMP? 目前我們的行銷策略為何? 一開始的AMP計畫主要專注在媒體和出版業,許多知名媒體例如紐約時報、BBC等。但目前已有各式各樣網站 導入AMP例如:eBay、迪士尼、TripAdvisor、食譜與歌詞網站等,而且Twitter,Pinterest, WordPress.com, Chartbeat, Parse.ly, Adobe Analytics and LinkedIn 等都預計要參與整合計畫,AMP技術文件會越加完整。 無庸置疑AMP絕對是未來的趨勢,以使用者體驗的角度來反思,依需求創造更棒的服務內容。 結構化資料(Structured data) 結構化資料最簡單的解釋可以用搜尋結果露出的資訊為代表,但這個只是一小部份,概括來講網站的內容是給使用者閱讀的,而結構化資料(語意標籤、Meta資訊與TDK)就是給搜尋引擎看的,對於工程師來說這些結構性的資料都算是基礎優化的範疇,但是這些最『基本』的資訊往往都是影響排名的重要因素。 也由於Google開發的Rank Brain系統,搜索引擎變得更聰明。而在進行時應確保品牌在整個網站上使用的標籤資訊一致! 搜尋不再只注重 SEO 排名,更重要的是網站內容以及網路中的露出 網路行銷應該朝向跨平台的整合行銷經營。例如:社群媒體、影音平台等,並利用內容與廣告整合多元平台的露出機會。GOOGLE強調EAT指標來確定網站品牌,也就是expertise(專業知識) authoritativeness(權威) trustworthiness(可信度) 在社群分享的內容應該要分享客戶喜愛搜尋的內容,加強被搜尋到的機會。 各個平台上,企業資訊應該要清楚、完整的呈現。 在不同的平台上發佈文章的時候,應該要包含回到官網或部落格的超連結,幫助導引各平台流量至網站中。 通過增強品牌影響力(品牌的曝光),讓用戶對官網更信任,停留時間提升和跳出率降低,增強搜尋引擎用戶體驗權值。SEO 一定需要這些相關部門支持:品牌行銷、EDM 行銷團隊、商務合作團隊、社交媒體部門、活動策劃等資源 ****歡迎轉載****來源網址:www.seoseo.com.tw奇寶網路專業SEO搜尋行銷顧問
Nobel Biocare is the world leader in innovative esthetic dental solutions and a one-stop-shop for restorative esthetic dentistry, offering a wide range of innovative Crown Bridge Implant products, as well as training education and clinically documented treatment concepts. Our solutions enable dental specialists, general practitioners and dental technicians to offer patients high esthetic new teeth.
323 Technology Inc. (ezTable易訂網 www.eztable.com.tw) was founded in 2008 with the mission of creating first online restaurant reservation platform for both restaurateurs and consumers in Taiwan. Currently more than 400 restaurants and hotels have joined our platform, creating more than 20,000 reservations per month. Were moving fast and have a team of 9 super passionate, smart people who pride themselves on exceptional quality work. Our office environment is creative, non-traditional, collaborative and a lot of fun, so if youre a Software Engineer with a passion for delivering elegant solutions and youre looking for an early stage company with scope to grow with a stack of interesting challenges, read on.
The Market Leader Heller Industries, the market leader in oven technology, supplies solutions for electronics manufacturers and assemblers worldwide. We provide continuity in sales, engineering and support for the life of your system… with a single point of contact… and a fast-moving, knowledgeable service organization. Our reliability is one reason Heller has grown so steadily over the years, particularly in global markets, where business relationships require years of commitment.
http://www.kamia.com.tw/index.html KAMIA is the intersection between an angel fund and a product development firm. By investing in an innovative product development process, we seek to improve the value and competitive advantage of businesses. We often see small and medium businesses struggle to gain market share, not because they do not have a great product to offer, but because they are inexperienced in developing strong brands and executing quality product development processes. Large companies often hire product development consultancies to take care of this, however small and medium businesses often lack the development budget to hire consultancies. By partnering with businesses that have great products, technologies, or services to offer, we bring in the experience, time, and investment needed to help them build their competitive advantage.
TomLong was established in 2004, first as a trading company. The company was primarily involved in the buy-and-sell of TPU resin, film, coated fabrics and TPU-related finished products. With our extensive knowledge in TPU manufacturing and application, we also provided consultation to new TPU users. Due to the high demand of TPU-coated fabrics and a lack of qualified laminators in Taiwan and the rest of Asia, TomLong put together a group of experienced engineers and constructed the new laminating factory in 2005 in order to concentrate full-time in TPU lamination. Although the company hasn’t long history, the members of the engineering team have been engaged in the TPU/PU coating laminating production for more then fifteen years. Some core members came from Na Ya Plastic, the largest plastic company in Taiwan; others came from Coating Chemical, a well-known TPU resin and PU base-adhesive manufacturer. Due to the rich integration of our previous experience, TomLong is able to specialize in waterproof / breathable coating and TPU film lamination. Thanks to our array of diverse, high-quality products, we have been successful in the outdoors, medical, marine and many other industries.
For over 30 years, FOR DAH Industry Co., Ltd. has been the leader in Taiwan in the planning, design, development and manufacture of whole plant equipment for the production of PP/HDPE woven bag, onion bag, cement bag and HD/LDPE blowing type bag. Through our continuous research and development, advanced manufacturing capabiilty, and a strong commitment to customer service, FOR DAH has firmly established itself as a dependable supplier of whole plant equipment. FOR DAH’s engineering department continuously seeks higher production rates, better production quality, and better systems control for all equipment. No matter whether you are looking for a single machine or whole plant equipment, you get outstanding production know-how resulting from our brilliant engineering background.
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